With the expansion of the gray literature registry (unconventional literature) in the area of HRS in Latin America and the Caribbean, this space was created for quick access to publications of interest from the Network of Observatories of Human Health Resources, where you will find reports, guides, policies and other technical and scientific publications with the possibility of using filters by topic, year of publication, country, language, among others.


Search interface that allows the recovery of indexed documents of the Repository of Human Health Resources.

Results: 3

Evaluación de la Política y Plan Andino de Recursos Humanos en Salud 2018-2022

Evaluación de la política y plan de Recursos Humanos en Salud 2018-2022 del Organismo Andino de Salud Convenio Hipólito Unanue, esta política consideraba una serie de compromisos diferenciados en dos escalas, aquellos de carácter nacional cuya implementación involucró directamente a los ministerio...

Política nacional de cuidado de enfermería: plan de implementación

El “Plan de Implementación de la Política Nacional de Cuidado de Enfermería” que se presenta en este documento, tiene el propósito de orientar al gremio de profesionales en esta disciplina, sobre las actividades precisas que se realizarán para el cumplimiento de la política que guiará el accio...

Psychology and social policies: A historical overview of psychological practice in Brazilian Public Health

Univ. psychol; 13 (spe5), 2014
This article examines the evolution of public health policies in Brazil after 1985, when the democratic transition process began at the end of the military rule, and their impact on the professional practice of psychologists. Brazilian social policies of this period and the construction and development o...